Thomas Patrick Greene

NO. 17724  •  10 January 1929 – 10 February 1951

Killed in Action February 10, 1951 in Korea, aged 22 Years.

Thomas Patrick, "Pat" as he was known to all, was born at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, January 10, 1929, the sixth son of then Major and Mrs. Douglass T. Greene. From there it was a succession of stations, as it is in all Army families, At each new station "Pat" rapidly made new frIends but never forgot the old.

"Pat" started High School in Fort Smith, Arkansas, where his father was CommandIng General of the 16th Armored Division. When transferred from Fort Smith, his father decided to establish a permanent home for his family in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, a suburb of PhiladelphiaThis was home to "Pat"; the former places of living took on the aspect of pleasant tours of duty, but Drexel Hill is where he made his dearest friends and firmest ties. It was in Drexel Hill that "Pat" graduated from Upper Darby High School In the class of 1946.

It was only natural that "Pat" should go to West Point. Both of his grandfathers, his father and two of his brothers were graduates, and he directed all of his efforts to joining them in the Long Gray Line. He won the appointment from the 7th Pennsylvanla Congressional District and realized his ambition when he entered the Academy in July 1946. The following four years were happy ones. His easygoing manner made the routine of the Academy pass quickly and his inherent leadership abilities were brought out and nurtured so that he rapidly advanced toward his goal, a good officer. Underneath his easygoing and jovial attitude was a deeply serious man. "Pat" was one who put his service to GOD first and this seemed to be his inner drive and calm. His comradeship and sympathy were there for all. Graduation for "Pat" was a time of great happiness as well as sorrow. Happiness because he was joining the service he loved and sorrow because of the many friends he was leaving.

His graduation assignment was with the 7th Infantry at Fort Devens, Massachusetts, in the company that both of his grandfathers had commanded years before. The regiment left the States for Korea in September 1950, landed first in Japan to receive its compliment of Korean fillers, then proceeded to Wonsan, Korea. in November; thence inland to cover the left flank of the withdrawal of the Marines and the 7th Division from the Chongijn Reservoir, and finally covered the withdrawal through Hungnam, where Pat was the last officer off the beach. He was back into the line again in the drive up the peninsula during the middle of January. On February 10, 1951 while leading his platoon - a part of the leading elements of the regiment - against the Walled City of Korea, Son-Son-Ni, "Pat" went to the assistance of his lead scouts, who were pinned down by fire, and while covering their withdrawal was instantly killed.

He was awarded, posthumously the Silver Star for his part in this action, with a citation which read: "During this bold action, as he fearlessly drew the enemy attention to him, Lieutenant Greene was mortally wounded by a sniper's bullet. The conspicuous gallantry and steadfast bravery exhibited by Lieutenant Greene reflect the highest credit upon himself and are in keeping with the most esteemed traditions of the military service."

"Pat" has joined the ghostly assemblage"; the Army has lost a fine young officer; his family a wonderful boy and his friends a marvelous comrade. "Well Done."

- A Classmate