Warren Webster, III

NO. 18012  •  

Killed in Action, February 21, 1953 in Korea. Aged 25 Years.

The news of Warren Webster's death came as a shock to all who knew him as a cheerful friend and a superior soldier and officer. Just prior to the time of his death on 21 February 1953 he was Aide-de-Camp to Brigadier General Dewey at IX Corps and could have remained in this position of comparative safety except for his intense desire to lead troops on the line as he had done before receiving the position as aide. Early in February 1953 his wish was granted and he assumed command of a rifle company in the 3d Division. Shortly, thereafter, he was killed by a sniper's bullet while leading his company on patrol.

Throughout the six years that I knew Web he was always happy and easy going. If there was a piano nearby he was ready with a song. And, if times were hard and others were unhappy, Web was always ready with a joke. What he lacked in the classroom he made up for with common sense. It is no secret that he held the Academic Department in complete contempt, preferring to spend his time talking and dreaming of the time he would marry his high school sweetheart, Joan Gidley.

I shall never forget, nor will many others, the wonderful parties Joan and Web had during weekends in Philadelphia. Web would be at his best with all the Ivy League songs, while everybody else would try to sing louder than he.

There was never a thing Web could not or would not do for anybody. His generosity and friendliness were open to all. I have never heard a person who knew him say that he was not among his best of friends.

Just as he played hard so did he work hard. Upon graduation he went to Parachute School and served with the 82d Airborne Division for a year before departing for Korea. While in Korea he received the Silver Star for gallantry while leading a patrol, and the Bronze Star for meritorious service.  His sense of duty was as keen as his sense of humor.

Web realized his dream -  shortly after graduation when he married Joan at a beautiful ceremony in Philadelphia. After he went overseas she went back to her home in Drexel Park, Pennsylvania, where their son, Warren Webster IV, was born.

Little Web had a wonderful father who has fulfilled his duty to his country and family. 

- Charles R. Smith