For the period 2015 to 2020
- Maintain an accurate roster of living classmates and widows, including address, phone, and email
- Maintain a listing of the names and dates of death of classmates, wives, and widows
- Publish an annual letter to the Class together with an up to date roster of those still alive
- Publish a local VA/DC roster
- Notify the Class of any deaths of classmates, wives, or widows
- Send condolence letters as appropriate
- Oversee the Class Project at West Point
- Write a Class Notes once or twice a year with Class news
- Assist in the preparation of obituaries, including TAPS
- Oversee/support activities that are relevant to the Class
- Encourage local Class activities
- Represent the Class at various functions, both at West Point and locally
- Support West Point and its cadets
- Publicize the Class and its accomplishments
- Prepare for the 70 th Reunion