Articles of Governance

The members of the Class of 1950 will be asked to vote on a proposal to "retire" the present Constitution and By-laws and replace them with the Board of Governors approved "Articles for Governance --".

The Articles of Governance can be downloaded here or viewed below.


22 February 2018

MEMO FOR: Class of 1950 Board of Governors

FROM: Roy Lounsbury, Vice Chairman

SUBJECT: The Class of 1950 Organization and Constitution and By-laws

During the past year, I have examined the Class Constitution and By-laws and concluded that it would be in the best interests of the Class, the AOG, and West Point for the present Constitution and By-laws to be retired and appropriately archived thus dissolving the present Class organization. I propose that this be accomplished only upon such time as an appropriate mechanism and Class organization is in place for accomplishing the PURPOSE described in Article II of the Constitution.

Some of the provisions of the Constitution and By-laws require amendment; some require deletion; and some are too burdensome in view of the declining population of the Class, their reduced capabilities, and their geographical dispersion. At the same time I recognize that the PURPOSE as stated in Article II of the Constitution is still valid, the Class has ongoing efforts that need to be continued, and our pending 70th Reunion will entail contractual obligations for the Class organization.

In order to provide the leadership and governance necessary to accomplish the stated PURPOSE of the Class organization, it is advisable to provide more flexibility in our governing mechanism. The formality and rigidity in the present governing structure is excessive to our present and future needs.

The present Class organization and its governing documents have served their purpose well. They provide a framework upon which to construct a new governing structure. The Constitution and By-laws which have guided our actions for 38 years are deserving of an honorable retirement, in tact, vice distorted by a plethora of amendments. A home in the USMA archives is their due.


Article VIII of the Constitution states that the Class organization may be dissolved by the “affirmative vote of two thirds of the Class members”. It is not likely that two thirds would even vote. An alternative would be to amend Article VIII in accord with the provisions of Article VII 1.b. This provision permits mail in balloting and a count after 60 days with a simple majority of the returned ballots deciding the issue. I propose that the BOG submit by mail the following amendment to Article VIII 1.c. At such time as the Board of Governors affirm to the Class membership that an appropriate mechanism and Class organization is in place for accomplishing the PURPOSE of this Constitution, said Constitution,its accompanying By-laws, and the Class organization may be dissolved by a vote of the membership conducted in accord with the provisions of Paragraph 1.b. of Article VII, Amendments.

Should the amendment pass, the BOG can follow up with the affirmation that an appropriate governing mechanism and Class organization is in place and a vote for dissolution recommended.  At this time a ballot can be mailed which would also contain a description of the mechanism and new Class organization to become operational upon an affirmative vote for dissolution.



NAME: The USMA Class of 1950

PURPOSE: These Articles describe the Class of 1950 governing organization and the duties it is to perform on behalf of the Class. In fulfilling its responsibilities, the governing organization shall act in such a manner as to maintain and foster Class unity and support West Point, the Corps of Cadets, and the Association of Graduates.

MEMBERSHIP: All graduates of the Class of 1950, former cadets of the Class who are officially recorded as such by the  Association of Graduates, and the Class widows who so wish.

EXECUTIVE BOARD: A Board shall be established consisting of a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, and such other members as the Chairman appoints. Members shall serve at the pleasure of the Chairman. In the event the Chairman is unable to serve, he shall be succeeded by the Vice Chairman who will appoint his successor.

ELECTIONS: The initial occupants of the positions of Chairman and Vice Chairman shall be the same persons as were serving in those positions on the Board of Governors at the time of dissolution of that Board.. An election to these positions shall occur only at the 2020 Reunion and shall be in response to nominations from the floor.

MEETINGS: The Executive Board shall meet at least once each calendar year. It is understood that much of the work for the Class can be done by electronic communication means and therefore reduces the need for assembling Board members. It is the responsibility of the Chairman to determine the means of convening the Board. A Class meeting shall be held at West Point at the time of its 70th and any subsequent Reunions at which meetings the Chairman shall report to the Class on the Board's stewardship.

TASKS: The Board is responsible to make provisions for the accomplishment of the tasks listed below:

1.      Using the support of the Association of Graduates, plan and conduct Reunions of the Class.

2.      Prepare and publish an annual letter to the Class including therewith an Annual Class Roster.

3.      Maintain an accurate roster of living classmates and widows including home addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses.

4.      Maintain a listing of the names and dates of death of classmates, wives, and widows.

5.      Notify the Class of deaths of classmates, wives, and widows.

6.      Send condolence letters as appropriate.

7.      Maintain a Class web site.

8.      Oversee the Endowed Chair in Advanced Technology.

9.      Support and encourage the writing of Memorial articles for deceased classmates for TAPS and the Class web site.

10.  Represent the Class at functions as deemed appropriate.                                                                                                                                                                                    

CLASS FUNDS: The Board will assume the fiduciary obligations attendant to the management of Class funds and any gifts and bequests tendered to the Class. At such time as the Board shall determine that the maintenance of Class Funds is no longer feasible, the balance of the funds shall be transferred to the Association of Graduates, USMA, for the Class Chair or as otherwise determined by the AOG.

DISSOLUTION: The Class governing organization, described herein, and these Articles of Governance shall be dissolved upon

1.      Reduction of Class membership below five graduated  members, or

2.      A mail-in vote, solicited by the Executive Board, that results in a majority affirmative vote by those responding within 30 days, or  

3.      An affirmative vote by a majority of classmates in attendance at a Class Reunion.